I disagree vehemently with my Party's stance on many of the current issues, for example, Obama-care. I have served my country for 45 years in various capacities. I went to the vietnam wall, and took names of those I served with, liked and respected... fully a third of those names were of African-Americans. My memory banks are full of the Vietnamese soldiers that were in the battalion that I advised. Now, because I oppose the policies of a black president, I am a racist. Because I oppose those socialist policies, I am a thug. Because I oppose those policies, I am anti-American. I am appalled at the ignorance of our present regime, and I resent their attitudes toward the citizens of this nation.
I believe that the Democratic Party is now a threat to this country and its well being. The likes of Obama, Emmanuel, Pelosi, Reid, and all of the "Czars" need to be removed from their offices at the earliest possible election. They are well on their way to making the country that I fought for a third world country.
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