Obama isn't what he seemed...
There's an Irish song that describes Mr. Obama's performance as an elected official...
"I thought she was the girl of my dreams...
But in the morning she wasn't what she seemed...
The drinkin' has a tendency to weaken your quality control...
and you wake up next to "Mary on the Northolt road!""
"The Biblecode Sundays"
An Independent voter who has no ties any political party, I was skeptical about Mr Obama, but was happy that we had, as a country, apparently gotten over the race issue. He came across as a nice guy, a family man, and as smart and savvy as a whip. Personally, I was an advocate of Colin Powell, but knew that he is too smart to take the job. I was simply glad to see the back of the Republican administration.
"Be careful of what you ask for... you might get it!" It appears now that Mr Obama is a classic socialist who is trying to develop a "cult of personality". History is full of national leaders who have done so with varying degrees of success. Many were successful in gathering all the reins of power to themselves, to the detriment of their subjects... see Kim Jong Il, for example. Now our own "dear leader" has the support of socialists such as Pelosi, Reid, Frank, and others who will provide willing support to the idea that "Government is for the good of the people, and only Government knows what the people need".
In order to prevent congress, and his own cabinet from providing a check or balance to his radical ideas, he has em-placed a number of "Czars" to create and implement policy... in spite of the fact that we already have cabinet members heading departments to handle the policy and enforcement issues. I believe that this practice in not only inherently dangerous, it violates the constitution. I believe that if he and the leadership now in congress is allowed to continue its present course, that we will be a third world country by the next election, and that the constitution will be a dead issue.
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