Obama's Health Care Train...
There are several reasons don't have "National Health Care" now.... Any one with any experience with Government programs can stand on the railroad tracks and see the train coming...If they are deaf, they can see the light... If they are blind.. they can hear the horn... If they are both, they can feel the ground vibrate. If they are the current Democratic party, they apparently don't have a clue
1. The doctors: Most doctors in a government system will be employees of the government as opposed to private practitioners. I have dealt with government agencies and employees for 49 years. They range from the brilliant to slugs. Take MEPS for example... they are contract physicians who are paid by the hour. Their attitude is nearly identical to that of the custodian... "If I don't get it clean today, I'll get it tomorrow" There is no incentive for efficiency, and no sense of purpose or urgency. Most contract doctors are on contract because they can't find a job anywhere else.
2. The administrators: Remember the people who use to compute your pay and ensure you were paid on time when you were in the Army??? Do you remember their success rate??? Do you want these people to be the ones to authorize your heart transplant?? The story in the Army was that every Government agency was staffed with bureaucrats in Pay Grade GS-5, who were angry, underpaid, lazy, and inefficient. Each agency, however, had one little motherly old lady GS-6, who spent a lot of time on sick leave. Normally your paperwork would get screwed up by one of the GS-5's, but if you were very, very, very lucky, the little matron would handle your case and you would be assigned as the Rest & Recreation Officer in Kuala Lumpur.
Now, all that was facetious, but really, the same sort of thing is happening now with Medicare and Tri-Care, two of the government run health care programs. It is not only governments, but look at HMO's on the citizen side... advance authorizations are the order of the day. It can only get worse if we screw around with it!!!
3. Congress: The Program Planning and Budgeting System, (PPBS) and Congress will soon destroy the intent to avoid health care rationing. The "Crisis du Jour" will rear its ugly head, funds will be cut, and rationing WILL happen... just as sure as congress will vote themselves a pay raise.
Surely, health care needs work, but the "Meat-Axe approach" can only result in fiscal disaster!
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